October 24, 2004


I had ignored this blog until it was recommended by a commenter. Aron's Israel Peace. blog seemed too oxymoronic to entertain but it's actually a good resource. Aron has also blogged the Yitzhak Laor comment that the London Review of Books believed wouldn't "help anyone". In his article, Laor has a good pop at those simultaneously "macho and schmaltzy" Zionist lefts who wring their hands about what a great opportunity Yasser Arafat passed up when Ehud Barak offered him tuppence ha'penny for most of Palestine. He demonstrates the collusion between Barak and the Zionist left's literary liars prior to the Barak instigated collapse of the "peace" talks. He also has a crack at our very own Guardian. newspaper, specifically for running with a load of tosh from the likes of Amos Oz and David Grossman.

Here's a quote from the article but please read the whole thing.

"One cannot be a European liberal and support Israeli Apartheid. One cannot be a European liberal and support a state that prevents marriage between religions, etc. etc. In short Zionism does not conform with values of liberalism. It is always closer, even if it is "Left", to Le Pen or Heider. It is not a matter of minor disputes. Even if you take the simple fact, that none of the writers I quoted here, and their colleagues, has ever supported the refuseniks, warmly supported by every simple minded European, we can understand that intellectual lack within that discourse of Israeli writers on the Left. Amos Oz can receive the most prestigious prizes in Barcelona or Berlin, he can't really talk about peace, for the discourse of peace in Israel traverses the old clichés that used to work before Oslo, before the current Intifada, before Ehud Barak and his junta, supported by the same Amos Oz, turned it to another part of history: Apartheid in a world ruled by one super-power. Talks of peace with no politics, no support of resistance, solidarity with the victims are empty and hollow, fit for ceremonies, not a debate."

I'm going to boycott the LRB for a while so if anyone sees an article by some Zionist "leftist" in there, please let me know.

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