Norm, just wanted to assure you that I saw "soft proofs" (aka "virtual bluelines") today. These are the printer-prepped version of the files posted on their secure website for inspection. I checked every page against my hard copy. I gave special attention to all pages that were corrected after we sent the files to Sheridan, double-checking that the final, corrected versions were in place and that reflow didn't introduce any errors. Everything seems in order (PHEW!), and so I have given the okay to print.I hope it's happening this time. I went to my library to get Dershowitz's "The Case for Israel" but the librarian said "there is no case for Israel." Not really, she said that they didn't have it in stock. So I've ordered both Deshowitz's and Finkelstein's books. Ordering a book, pre-release, from a library is a good way to ensure it ends up on the shelves and gets more widely read as a result.
July 24, 2005
Beyond Chutzpah "ready to roll": UCP
"Marilyn" at the University of California Press has emailed Norman Finkelstein as follows:
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