Strange interviews on the
Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning. John Humphries interviewed some chap who said it was wrong that the play,
My Name is Rachel Corrie didn't contain anything about Rachel burning an American flag surrounded by militants". It was something like that anyway. This meant, he said, that Rachel was not neutral as she had been portrayed. She was with the ISM who are against the occupation. No one said she was neutral but the programme actually got worse when Humphries interviewed her parents. He asked them if the bullbozer driver (I think he said "the Israelis") may have thought she was a combatant. That's Rachel Corrie, the woman who was running around a tank in a bright orange jacket and holding a megaphone.

Can you imagine the outcry if the BBC sought to justify the murder of an Israeli by a Palestinian in that way? Anyway you can listen to the broadcast
here. You have to scroll down a bit but it's worth it to hear an example of how it was a recent independent report found that the BBC is biased in favour of Israel. You can also hear Rachel's parents giving a very good account of themselves and their daughter.
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