February 26, 2009

Waltzing with Adolf

One of the pleasures of writing against Zionism is that I get sent some smelly stuff from people who assume you must share their bigotry if you oppose Israel.

So this time I got a publication called World View News Service edited by someone called Umm Yakoub (who might be as far as I know the nom de plumme of an Aryan *** or even a Hasbara agent.)

Said Umm Yakoub sent to her readership an article from the lovable "The New Sturmer," a work of another mystery man who claims to be a "patriotic Norse" who defends "the right of people to learn the real truth about their racial kindred" and sells copies of "Mein Kampf".

The article is about about the firebombing of Dresden. The firebombing of Dresden was a terrible crime, but that doesn't prevent the author for packing his article with enough brown stuff to fill a manhole. The most interesting tidbit is the opinion of our author on resistance.
While the governments and the successors of these war-time governments are still combing the geriatric wards of the Allied countries for German soldiers and their comrades-in- arms who might or might not have shot some Jewish Marxist saboteur fleeing a concentration camp, or returning fire against those who attacked them from behind bushes, rocks and bridge embankments wearing civilian clothes, think about the crime of Dresden.
So, Umm Yakoub thinks that the Arab right of resistance can best be defended by recycling bigoted articles urging sympathy to occupation soldiers shooting resisting partisans or political activists who fled a concentration camp. See, the Hizbullah deputy Ali Ammar who dared to compare his party's resistance to the (mostly communist) resistance to the Nazis in France got it all wrong. It's the poor occupation soldiers who are the real victims!

Go figure.

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