January 25, 2005

Zionism - Past, Present & Future

Event Description:
Organised by Arab Media Watch, the Council for Arab-British Understanding, Pluto Books and the LSE Palestine Society.

Date: 01/02/2005

Start Time: 7:00 PM
Ending Time: 8:30 PM

Venue: Room D602, St Clement's Building, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE.

Free entry, all welcome.

Events over the last few years have re-focused attention on the nature of Zionism. Demographic trends and Israeli practices, most notably settlement expansion and barrier construction, have called into question the viability of the two-state solution and, thus, Zionism itself. Furthermore, the refusenik movement against Israeli involvement in the occupied territories, while welcome, has brought about the myth that Zionism was a benevolent movement until Israel's expansion in 1967.

To discuss Zionism's past, present and future, we are proud to feature two prominent authors of recent books on the subject, published by Pluto Books, which will be sold at a 20% discount at the event:

John Rose is author of "The Myths of Zionism", and teaches Sociology at Southwark College and London Metropolitan University. Rose was a student at the London School of Economics during the great radical upheaval of the late 1960s. He arrived as a Zionist in 1966 and left in 1969 as a committed pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist. Why? "Simple," he says, "I heard the Arab case for the first time and it was, and remains, unanswerable."

Norton Mezvinsky is co-author, with the late Israel Shahak, of "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel", and is a Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University. He has been appointed a University Professor by the Connecticut State University Board of Trustees (in the more than 150-year history of this university, only six University Professors have been appointed). He has published extensively and lectured in many parts of the world on various aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Zionism, US policy in the Middle East and religious fundamentalisms. He is currently writing a book on Christian Zionism.

Chair: Sharif Hikmat Nashashibi, Arab Media Watch chairman

For further information, please contact:

AMW: info@arabmediawatch.com, 07956 455 528

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