Here's an interesting opening couple of paragraphs on the front page of the Jewish Chronicle (subscription only on line) today.
America's best known civil liberties lawyer warned this week that "if you win in court, and lose in the court of opinion, that's not a victory."
Speaking in the aftermath of the defeat of the AUT boycott of Israel, Professor Alan Dershowitz, in London on behalf of the Jerusalem College of Technology, noted: "There is a systematic effort, systematic and well financed, on the part of anti-Israel groups, to focus on young people. The goal is to create a generation of future leaders, 20 years from now, who will be Ken Livingstone, who will reflect the ignorant, one-sided, bigoted, biased views of Ken Livingstone."
First up, it's interesting to me that Dershowitz's admission of moral defeat over the AUT boycott stands in contrast from the "
letter from America" I published a few days ago. The letter was from Dershowitz's greatest admirer. This Dershowitz fan (possibly a Dershowitz wannabe) won't have it that
Norman Finkelstein has wiped the floor with him in debate or that Finkelstein has comprehensively exposed him as a liar and a plagiarist. But anyway, I digress. Dershowitz is offering his advise on how to undermine anti-zionist activity.
When I speak on college campuses I immediately declare myself as pro-Palestinian, which I am - pro-Palestinian, pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-two-state solution, pro-vibrant Palestinian democracy - and then distinguish that position from the extremists on the left, the Sue Blackwells, who don't want peace."
Can you believe that this could get worse? Well try this with regard to Sue Blackwell:
The form of advocacy in which she is engaged contributes to violence and makes peace more difficult. She is a significant barrier to peace."
So two things to listen out for when a zionist speaks: 1.Zionists are pro-Palestinian and 2.Sue Blackwell is a barrier to peace, sorry, a
significant. barrier to peace. Then we'll know if Dershowitz's advice has been taken.