June 03, 2006

Norman Finkelstein updates

The Norman Finkelstein site has some updates on the holocaust industry, and an anecdote on two holocaust industrialists in particular.
In The Holocaust Industry I reported on the corporate salaries of the Holocaust hucksters administering the Holocaust compensation monies. For example, I wrote that "While elderly Holocaust survivors languish without medical coverage, the current [2001] annual salary and benefits of Gideon Taylor, executive vice-president of the Claims Conference, total $275,000." It seems that the Jewish Chronicle has finally caught on that there's something rotten in Hucksterland. I once attended a Holocaust compensation conference where Taylor was speaking. He delivered the standard Holocaust huckster bar mitzvah speech: "We all know that the monetary compensation for survivors was symbolic; it was really about justice." Afterward I called out from the audience: "Would you mind telling us what is your symbolic salary?" Ignoring my query, he abruptly packed his bags and left. The keynoter for the afternoon session was pro bono Holocaust huckster Burt Neuborne. Seeing him enter the hall, I called out, "Hey Burt, how're you doing?" Apparently not thrilled by my presence, he mouthed "F*** you." I was aghast that a distinguished graduate of Harvard Law School and a former National Director of the ACLU should use such foul language. Nonetheless I looked forward to his presentation. Alas, he left before delivering it. I wonder why. Were this not comical enough, the time-sheet for Neuborne's latest $4,000,000+ fee claim lists "2 hours" (at $700 per hour) for delivering the speech that he never delivered!

In all fairness the talents of the Taylors and Neubornes of this world aren't easy to come by: not everyone could steal monies earmarked for dying Holocaust survivors - just as not everyone could have done experiments on twins at Auschwitz.
Articles and reviews on the Holocaust Industry book here.