August 06, 2014

UK Establishment wobbles over Gaza

Things are changing for sure.  I just saw this tweet
From a "columnist and leader writer for ".

And see where the link leads.  Not a whole lot because of the paywall.  So here's what I could get from google cache:

  • A Palestinian woman sits next to her destroyed house in Gaza
    Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, said that the Israeli military operation had been disproportionate Khalil Hamra/AP
David Cameron was struggling to contain a growing revolt over his handling of the Gaza crisis yesterday after the dramatic resignation of Baroness Warsi as foreign office minister.

Dominic Grieve, the former attorney-general, added his voice to the chorus of senior Conservatives questioning the proportionality of Israel’s military operation and piling pressure on the prime minister to condemn the country’s airstrikes on Gaza.

Lady Warsi, a former party chairman, told Mr Cameron that she could no longer support his “morally indefensible” policy. In a strongly worded resignation letter, she warned that his failure to condemn Israel could radicalise a generation

Well it doesn't even get to the Alistair Burt bit but if Murdoch's papers are reporting to the wobbles over Israel's attack on Gaza and the wobbles are for real, Israel's latest Palestinian cull could haunt the hasbara community for some time to come.