January 12, 2009

Real News From Gaza III

From http://fromgaza.blogspot.com/

messege from Mohammed in Gaza

this is the messege i have recived from mohammed magdalawi, he live sin Jablia In Gaza, There are holocaust and killing Four hundred martyrs and about two thousandinjured by Israeli air raids.I want to write about suffering of my people and my family in these days In my house we can't get basic needs such as, No foods, No bread ,and Natural gasYesterday , my father went to bakery from 5 AM he waited 5 hours even get one Abundle of bread.This bread not can't enough for my family because consist of 11 members .But today Igo to all bakeries. I can't find any loaf of bread due to be closed. We and my family cannot communicate with our relatives and friends because of thelack of the connecting network also every hour we have a martyr or even more becauseof the raining missiles on our homes , mosques and even hospitals ,There is no safeplace we can go to.In the day our life concentrated in burial of the martyrs who were thousands inhospitals after a short farewell or even without a final look because of the timeshortage those martyrs are graved in groups imagine that a group of martyrs gravedin one grave.At night our camp like ghosts city no sound but the sound of the various militaryaircrafts in every attack our heats and the children hearts is shaking. There is a horror in every minute and it is clear especially on the children, forexample, there was four sisters in one family killed from the Israeli occupation,when stay in their home, and there is children in the south of Rafah.Also, A woman was going to the bakery to buy bread for her family when she waswalking in the street killed the Israeli occupation.I have two message to the world.My message to the lovers of peace and freedom in the world.The First message:Imagine your life is no electricity ,destroyed homes , voice missiles of the day andnight , and no food. Imagine your children and your family tell you we are afraid of the missiles cannot sleep from the Voice of the aircraft. Imagine you and keep the commentary.The second message:Make to end the siege and stop the killings and demolition of houses for ourchildren and to provide assistance to the people through rallies, sit-ins.Finally, I invite you to come to Gaza and see the Holocaust. With Best Regards :Mohammed Fares Al Majdalawi Film Maker and Social WorkerGaza strip _ Palestine mobile :00972599497897