October 09, 2009

Beigels not bagels, beigels not bombs and look, no bagels!

What's goin' on 'ere then? Where did the bagels go from this Jewish Chronicle report?

First up, a big mazel tov to Debbie Fink for being found not guilty of some charge or other arising out of a protest against Israeli foreign minister, Jorg Lieberman. Now the important business of the disappearing bagels.

An email from Vivien Lichtenstein to the Just Peace UK list had me checking the google cache for the original Jewish Chronicle report on Debbie's acquittal. This is from the email:
"Ms Fink was in a group of around a dozen protestors who were asked to
move by police after throwing bagels at those attending."

Was convinced I'd read that bagels weren't thrown and have since learned
they were, but not by Debbie or other J-BIG / JfJfP protestors.
And here's google cache:
Ms Fink was in a group of around a dozen protestors who were asked to move by police after throwing bagels at those attending.
And here's the Jewish Chronicle now:
Ms Fink was in a group of around a dozen protestors who were asked to move by police.
So, leaving aside that it's beigels, not bagels, who ate all the beigels?

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