May 18, 2016

What kind of racist low life uses "AsaJew" as a putdown?

Have a little look at Baroness Royall's blog post over at the blog of the ethnic cleansing enthusiasts, the Jewish Labour Movement:
I know that you will share my disappointment and frustration that the main headline coming out of my inquiry is that there is no institutional Antisemitism in Oxford University Labour Club.  That is true, but it is only part of the story.  I am clear that in the OULC there is a cultural problem which means that Jewish students do not always feel welcome.  And we have to take action to change this situation.   Many students reported that should a Jewish student preface a remark “as a Jew …” they are likely to face ridicule and behaviour that would not be acceptable for someone saying “as a woman …” or “as an Afro-Caribbean”.  This should not be tolerated.  
Now astute readers will see immediately what has happened here.  Baroness Royal was supposed to go into the Oxford University Labour Club and find lots of evidence of antisemitism.  She couldn't find anything that would pass muster, even on a Zionist blog, as evidence so she's invented an example or she's running with the invented examples of other people.

See this again,
Many students reported that should a Jewish student preface a remark “as a Jew …” they are likely to face ridicule and behaviour that would not be acceptable for someone saying “as a woman …” or “as an Afro-Caribbean”.  This should not be tolerated.  
See that?  "as a Jew".   People can face ridicule for saying that.  Really, there are racists out there who will ridicule you for prefacing a remark "as a Jew".  What kind of scum can they be?  Surely there's some evidence.  I know, let's try googling "AsaJew".

And what do we see?

First up we have UK Media Watch and an article headed "As a Jew explained".  Taste:
Jewish anti-Zionists give their identity politics a strange twist. Instead of claiming to represent the opinion of most of their fellow Jews, they mobilize their identity “asaJew” in order to give their oppositional view more legitimacy. 
 Then there's the Jewish Chronicle.  Here's JC editor, Stephen Pollard:
The AsAJews only ever come from one side of the fence: anti-Zionist, pro-boycott and anti-anti-antisemitism. Have you ever heard anyone say: “As a Jew, I must say how much I support Israel’s right to exist”, or “As a Jew, let me state how much I disagree with the idea of a boycott”?
Next up there's even a hashtag for this racist expression: #AsaJew.  Let's have a look at that. On second thoughts, this is a family blog but I didn't see any anti-Zionists sneering at the expression "As a Jew".

Now I would have skipped over this Reddit but the little bit of blurb on the google page drew me in:
This subreddit is for public shaming of loudmouthes thinking that pretending being jewish adds them credibility. A typical post of this kind of person starts with "As a former jew, converted to humanity..."
So much has this "AsaJew" putdown been chucked around it even got an entry in The Encyclopedia of Decency back in 2009

Bizarre ethnoreligious insult used by wackadoodle wingnuts to demean and disregard the opinions of non-wingnut members of the Jewish faith that this writer, for one, is not touching with a fucking bargepole.
Posted by Malky Muscular at 09:17
Labels: Insults

And they are the top entries I found on the google search and yet Baroness Royall had no awareness of them.   If I had kept going I could have listed Harry's Place and a Harry's Placer called Marc Goldberg.  But as I said this is a family blog and besides the list of Zionists using the antisemitic putdown "AsaJew" is literally endless since more come on stream every day.

Now I can well understand Baroness Royall treating false allegations as evidence but what I don't understand is how she missed so many egregious examples of Zionist antisemitism as to leave such a hostage to fortune. 

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